There are always items that would help us at the District. If you are willing to donate items to the district, please contact Kelly.

A canoe would be used by our water monitoring group, the Butler County Stream Team.

Hand tools such as Pruners, trimmers, garden fork, rakes, etc. For use during our BEST events and for when we teach composting and rain garden classes.
Electric drill for using at rain barrel workshops.

Fishing Gear
We teach children how to fish. If anyone has any old fishing rods complete with reels, we would love to have them

Plant Pots
We raise some of the tree seedlings after our plant sale and are in need of larger pots to care from them.
Thank you!
Thank you to the individuals that have provided tools for use in our volunteer programs. We now have a selection of hammers and other items.
Thank you to the ODNR Division of Wildlife who has provided a kit with multiple animals pelts that is now on long term loan to the district. Having only had the fur kit for a few months, it has already been seen and touched by thousands of children in schools and at events.