Water Testing Resources
*Butler SWCD Does NOT provide water testing*
There are numerous labs that your water can be sent to for analysis. Assistance from the health department is available as well. If this is an issue related to municipal water, please contact your utility provider. Depending upon what you would like the water to be tested for, costs can vary.
For a list of Ohio EPA certified water testing laboratories visit their website. Also see Miami Conservancy District well water testing fact card.
MCD Well Water Testing
Once a year, through a partnership between Miami Conservancy District, Stream Team, and Butler SWCD, we can offer free well water testing. Your well water can be tested for nitrates and bacteria. The date for the testing will be on our website.
Butler County Stream Team
The Butler County Stream Team is a volunteer organization that collects water samples each month from creeks and rivers around the county. By collecting samples from the same locations each month, the stream team hopes to develop a picture of stream quality in Butler County. Find out more about stream team.
To conserve the lab resources, the Stream Team does not process samples of drinking water, well water, or pond water. The focus is on the quality of the streams and rivers in Butler County.
Source Water Protection
Most of the water we drink in Butler County, comes from the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer. If you have questions about our water and the steps taken to protect it. Please visit The Groundwater Consortium's website.