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Butler Environmental Stewardship Team


Be one of the BEST and join Butler Soil and Water for Volunteer Stewardship Saturdays. Throughout the coming months, we plan to remove honeysuckle, label storm drains, clean up a stream,  and collect stream biology samples. We have volunteer events that are suitable for all ages, and can sign volunteer paperwork for students.


Thank you to everyone who volunteered in 2024. We had 18 projects!

Join the Volunteer Email List

Complete the form and check the volunteer box. We will send a monthly email with upcoming volunteer opportunities.​


2025 Events

​​Still working on exact dates, but here are the ideas for 2025. If you have any ideas for projects, please let me know. Email

  • January 16, Indoors packing seeds, making class kits, and other activities.

  • February 27, cutting willow stakes to be used for stream bank restoration projects. Rain date is in March.

  • March 22, Invasive removal with the Fairfield Izaak Walton in Milford Township.

  • April 19, Planting a rain garden at the new Morgan Township Park. We may also assist with invasive removal at a local school's outdoor area. 

  • May, Stream habitat monitoring class. Afterwards, you can collect data for the Butler County Stream Team anytime you like.

  • June, Gilmore Metropark cleanup. On foot and hopefully in kayaks (depending upon water levels).

  • July, Rain garden cleanups and join Lynn collecting stream data.

  • August, join Lynn collecting stream data.

  • September 20, Clean Sweep of the Great Miami River.

  • October, Invasive removal in Liberty Township

  • November, Invasive removal in TBD

  • December, winter meetup making wildlife feeders.


Sprinkled into the calendar, we also hope to further assist Bull's Run Arboretum by continuing the BioBlitz from 2024 into 2025. 


Anytime Events

Storm Drain Labeling

..... in West Chester, Liberty, and Fairfield Townships. Pickup supplies from our office, then head out anytime the weather is dry to label drains in your neighborhood. You can spend as much or as little time on this project.  To receive supplies, please contact us at 513-887-3720 or by email.


Thanks for your interest in volunteering with us. If you have any questions about any of  these projects, please contact us at 513-887-3720 or by email.


Sign Up as to Volunteer

Sign up to volunteer for one or more opportunities.  If you have any issues, contact Lynn directly.

If interested in an event, you can sign-up to volunteer through multiple platforms:

Volunteer Waiver

We always have copies of our waiver at events, however we also have it available here. If you are under 18, and plan to attend without your parent or guardian, you will need to please print this form and have it signed by them.


Age Range

Many of our events are family friendly, however those under the age of 16 must have an adult with them. 

Cutting Willow Stakes
When: Feb 27 at 4 pm with a rain date in March​


Where: West Chester Twp near Ellis Lake Wetlands


What: Cut willow branches that are growing in the water. Harvesting must be done when the willows are dormant (without leaves).


Why: These willow branches/stakes will be planted in the ground at an eroding streambanks. The willow branches will quickly take root in a simple, effective, and sustainable solution to reduce stream bank erosion. In addition, they increase habitat and provide food sources to our native wildlife. 


Who: Teens and adults


Required: Rubber knee boots ot waders. We will need to enter the water. Also, our waiver will need to be signed.


Questions: Contact Lynn White at

Invasive Plant Removal

In late Fall and early Spring, many of our volutneer events involve helping natural areas remove invsaive plants. Most often thisis honeysuckle, but we also tackle garlic mustard (later int he Spring), callery pear, multiflora rose, american bittersweet, and more. 


It often feels like we are fighting a loosing battle, until we head back to locations such as Dudley Woods. For the last few years, we have spent a few hours for one morning and have made vast improvements. Now, you can see the creek from the shelter and this was unimaginable when we started out. 


Our method changes depending upon the location. In some places we cut and drop the honeysuckle where it falls, in others we haul the honeysuckle into a pile and it is chipped. 


Storm Drain Labeling 

When: Anytime the roads are dry


Where: West Chester, Liberty, Fairfield, St Clair, Madison, and Lemon Townships if they have storm drains. 


What: Use a wire brush to clean the next to the drain, then use glue to add a "No Polluting" decal.


Why: In Butler County, storm drains simply empty into the nearest creek or pond. Often this rain water picks up pollutants along the way such as motor oil, pet waste, litter, and takes it on the same journey to the creek.


Who: Any age


Questions: Contact Lynn White at

Cleanup volunteers
River Cleanups

We hold several river cleanups each year including:

We would love if you join us for one of these cleanups, however we have the supplies if there is a river or creek near you that you would be interested in cleaning up at any time of the year..

storm drain label
Storm Drain Labeling

In Butler County, storm drains simply empty into the nearest creek or pond. Often this rain water picks up pollutants along the way such as motor oil, pet waste, litter, and takes it on the same journey to the creek. Sometimes people even put used oil and paint straight down the storm drain thinking it will be cleaned. We work with the Butler County Storm Water District to provide you all of the supplies that you need to label your neighborhood. You can label as large or as small an area that you choose. You can go out anytime the weather is just right (not extremely hot or cold).

Stream Team logo
Butler County Stream Team

Stream Team volunteers help to monitor the water quality in our local streams and rivers. We have monitors that study the biology of the creek (looking for baby dragonflies, donsonfly larvae and more). We also have volunteers who collect sample for testing the chemistry of the water, and last but not least we even have volunteers that run this chemical testing in our lab in Oxford. Find out more about Stream Team.

Earth Team logo
Earth Team Volunteers

Earth Team is a volunteer program ran by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). When you sign up as an Earth Team Volunteer, you are on your way to becoming a caretaker of natural resources in your community. When you volunteer you may assist with improving wildlife habitat, providing conservation education to adults and students, community outreach and many more interesting opportunities.

Please contact our NRCS staff to find out more.

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