Conservation Tillage

Conservation tillage is a practice that sizes residue for breakdown, minimizes soil disturbance and increases organic matter. Through this practice, producers are able to make less passes across the field and reduce nutrient runoff. Conservation tillage is becoming more widespread across the state due to its cost effectiveness and its reduction of soil erosion while still managing residue. Many farmers who enjoy spending time working ground, but don’t want to totally destroy soil structure also find this a reasonable substitute to more traditional tillage methods.
Tillage Tools on the Market Today:
(Click brand names to be directed to manufacturer's website.)
Widths range from 8.5 to 40 feet
Seeder attachment available for cover crops
Hydraulically adjustable finish reel
Sub Soiler
No-Till shanks available
Different point options
12”-16” working depth
Vertical Tillage
22’ to 47’ widths
3 different blade options
2 different models available
In-Line Rippers
3 models available
Differing shank spacing
Adjustable residue management
Can be equipped to apply nutrients
Dry fertilizer
2 models available
Differing row spacing
Differing widths
Need RTK guidance to operate
Vertical Tillage
2 models available
Adjustable gang angles
Hydraulically adjustable finishing baskets
Different widths available for different size farms
No-Till Rippers are available
Different width and spacing
Different point options with each model
Vertical Tillage
8 models
11’ to 50’ working widths
Mechanically adjustable gang angles
Blades designed to cut through GMO residue
Strip Tillage
2 different models
One designed to apply nutrients
One designed to only till
Need RTK guidance to operate
Different row widths and numbers
Designed to apply dry or liquid fertilizer
This information is provided as a public service and constitutes no endorsement by Butler Soil and Water Conservation District of any company listed. While an effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate listing of companies and their tillage pieces, omissions or other errors may occur and, therefore, other available sources of information should be considered.