Cover Crops
Some of the management goals for which farmers use cover crops include:
Suppressing weeds
Protecting soil from rain or runoff
Improving soil aggregate stability
Reducing surface crusting
Adding active organic matter to soil
Breaking hardpan
Fixing nitrogen
Scavenging soil nitrogen
Suppressing soil diseases and pests
In 2019 Butler Soil and Water began the installation of a n 8 acre agriculture conservation education demonstration site (ACED) to demonstrate different practices such as grassed waterways, pollinator buffers, grass buffers and cover crops. In this site there is over 4 acres of cover crop plots. In the fall of 2019 there will be a cover crop filed day to highlight 8 different cover crop plots planted with everything from a single species to an 11 way blend of various cover crops. Watch this page for more information and announcements concerning this event.