Noxious Weeds and Invasive Species
Each state produces a noxious weed list, some are different than others. The Ohio Department of agriculture reviews their noxious weed list every 5 years. During the review process they may choose to remove weeds, add weeds , or keep the list the same. The State of Ohio noxious weed list can be found here residents with questions about the noxious weed law should refer to the Ohio State University's noxious weed law bulletin found here. Property owners are responsible for maintaining their property in such a way that noxious weeds are controlled and ultimately eradicated or prevented from spreading to neighboring property.
Please note, the following species have been documented in Butler County or neighboring Counties. If you feel there is a plant an invasive plant on your property that is not listed below contact Butler SWCD and OSU Extension immediately.
Identification - Butler SWCD has noxious weed identification pamphlets available at our office or you can download digital versions here:
Amur Honeysuckle (If you are beginning a honeysuckle removal project on your property consult our honeysuckle removal page for more information.)