Urban Technical Assistance
The Butler SWCD is a source of natural resource expertise for homeowners in our county. Our local team of conservation experts connects you to site-specific guidance for a variety of topics so everyone enjoys the benefits of stewardship, even in our backyards. See this homeowners guide for an overview of the following, or click below for more details about a specific topic.
Have an environmental concern but not sure who to call? Check out our flow chart here to help direct you to the right contact. Also scroll to the bottom of this page for more information on local contacts here in the county.
Butler SWCD provides techincal advice on pond construction and maintenance, along with hosting an annual pond clinic. Learn more...
Erosion issues with tributaries, creeks, streams, rivers and drainage ditches impact up and downstream residents. Contact Butler SWCD for assistance with local erosion inquiries. Learn more...
Drainage problems can be on your land or in your basement. Most drainage complaints involve private property therefore must be handled as a civil matter. Butler SWCD is available for consultation on drainage issues. Learn more...
Butler SWCD partners with OSU Extension to provide discounted soil sampling. Learn more...
Butler SWCD has Rain Barrels and DIY Rain Barrel Kits for purchase. We also host workshops to educate county residents about construction, installation, maintenance or rain barrels. Learn more...
Rain gardens not only can be aesthetically pleasing, but also serves as a stormwater BMP by collecting rainwater from impervious surfaces. An example rain garden has been planted outside the Butler SWCD office. Learn more...
Drinking and well water testing are available through numerous labs within the region (see contractors list).
Butler County Stream Team is a volunteer based stream monitoring program that monitors local rivers monthly. Learn more...
Compost bins are available for purchase at the Butler SWCD office. Butler SWCD also provides composting workshops and information focusing on both traditional composting as well as worm composting. Learn more...
Butler SWCD acts as a collection point to milkweed seed pods for a state wide monarch initiative. We also have information on when and how to plant milkweed on your property. Learn more...
Butler SWCD provides technical advice on erosion on streambanks and other natural drainage courses. Learn more...
For questions related to enforcement and permissible uses, please contact these local regulatory authorities & agencies:
Butler County Engineers Office | Website | Phone: 513-867-5744
Erosion & sediment control requirements
Stormwater infrastructure (culverts, basins, storm drains etc.)
Property lines, easements, right-of-ways
Butler County Water & Sewer Department | Website | Phone: 513-887-3066
Water utility issues and billing
Drinking water and wastewater
Butler County Building and Zoning (Planning Department) | Website | Phone: 513-887-3205
Zoning, building permits, earth moving permit, lot Erosion & Sediment Control (ESC) permit, etc.
Floodplain management
Butler County Health Department | Website | Phone: 513-863-1770
Septic treatment system issues and testing
Well water testing
Butler County OSU Extension Office | Website | Phone: 513-887-3722​
Soil testing
Groundwater Consortium | Website | Phone: 513-785-2464
Groundwater source delineation, protection, pollution, management, education
Reporting illegal dumping, illicit discharge, or other water pollution issues
If you are witnessing an illegal dumping in progress, please call 911
If you suspect that the illegally dumped material is hazardous, contact Ohio EPA’s 24-hour Emergency Response Hotline 1-800-282-9378
For non-hazardous material, contact Butler County Storm Water District 513-785-4120
For jurisdictions outside of Butler County, call the Stormwater Collaborative Hotline 513-946-3999
For information on proper waste disposal, contact Butler County Recycling & Solid Waste District 513-887-3653