Grants & Scholarships
Butler SWCD provides several funding opportunities for education including a college scholarship, camp scholarship for a high school student, and an outdoor school site grant for schools.

Outdoor School Site Grant
Butler SWCD has a grant of up to $500 available each year available to local schools; to develop an outdoor resource for learning about natural resources.
Past projects have included:
butterfly gardens
rain gardens
raised beds
bird blinds
wildlife feeders
educational signage
Application deadline is February 1, each year. The Butler SWCD Board of Supervisors will make their determination during their February Board Meeting. One grant will be awarded each calendar year.
Links to Other Land Lab Information
ODNR: WILD School Sites- this site has info on grants, workshops, certification and much more
Habitats for Learning: a Planning Guide for Using and developing School Land Labs (large file. 89 page pdf)
Outdoor Classroom Lessons and Activities from Alabama Wildlife Federation.
Exploring Nature with Children by Dr. Ruth Wilson
Twenty Twenty: Activities and Projects for WILD School Sites
The Outdoor Classroom- Learning, creating, Exploring
Chester Elementary: A how to
The Butler SWCD offers the Gerald A. Morris College Scholarship. This a non-renewable $500 college scholarship to students enrolling in classes which focus on the conservation of natural resources.
Application Due Date: February 28, each year
Applicants must have parents or guardians who reside in Butler County.
Open to students of Sophomore status, who are pursuing a bachelor or associate degree at an accredited university or college. Juniors and Seniors may apply, however, preference will be given to Sophomore students. Students of Freshmen status who are certain he or she will be of Sophomore status beginning the next school year, may still apply.
Applicants must have a decided major in natural resource education, agriculture, land management, or a related field.
Student must show proof of completion, in the form of a transcript, of passing grades in previous classes in their major.
Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) as of the most recent grading period.
Recent, original transcript (no photocopies)
One letter of recommendation, by employer or teacher (past or current)
Typed, original, personal essay pertaining to the reason for choosing a degree in a conservation-related field. (400 to 500 words).
Also include a title page which lists the following information:
Phone Number
High School Attended
College or University:
Second Major if applicable
Second Minor if applicable
Names and Amounts of other scholarships received
The recipient of this non-renewable scholarship will receive a letter and the $500 check. The scholarship is intended to be used for either tuition or books for the upcoming Fall Semester. Recipients will be invited to the Butler SWCD Annual Meeting to receive the check.
The deciding committee reserves the right to refuse the application due to any component, including: its incomplete condition, essay and recommendation letter content, course type, and previous scholarship earnings
Camp Canopy Scholarship
AKA Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp
Camp Canopy provides a unique opportunity for high school students to experience the forest and the trees. Students study up-close and learn first hand how to appreciate Ohio’s forest and related natural resources.
Programs can include tree identification, ecology, forest industries, wildlife management, forest management, wildlife law enforcement, wildlife identification and watershed health. “This program is ideal for teens who love the outdoors and want to engage in hands-on learning,” said Robert Boyles, Ohio’s state forester. “This camp is a great opportunity to begin educating the next generation of caretakers of Ohio’s valuable natural resources.”
Location: Camp Muskingum, in Carroll County.
Who: Any Butler County student who has completed 8th grade and is at least fifteen years of age can apply.
Cost: Camp will only cost you $50. This includes all meals from Sun to Fri and access to all camp facilities. You are responsible for transportation cost to and from camp.
To Apply:
Download the application form on the camp website.
Return the application to Butler SWCD at 1802 Princeton Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011
Include a letter to Butler SWCD stating your concern and interest in conservation and why you would like to attend Forestry Camp.
Camp applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Space is limited.