For educators in our county, Butler SWCD offers natural resource curricula so that students of all ages have opportunities to learn and grow. Our team of local conservation and education specialists provides free and low-cost programming that make learning more accessible, relevant, and fun for everyone.

Free programs are available for Grades 2- 12 and also for garden clubs, scouts, and many other groups.

Porgrams, projects, and more for kids and their families

College scholarships, forestry camp scholarship for high school students, and a grant for schools to create outdoor learning areas are all available through Butler SWCD.

Each year, we coordinate the local portion of a national poster contest for young artists.

The District has educational items including lesson kits and models that Butler County Educators can borrow to teach about natural resources.

Butler SWCD is a certified facilitator for several national educational curricula and provides workshops for the cost of materials.

The award winning education trailer "The World Beneath Your Feet" visits schools and events around the county for free. The trailer can also be rented by groups outside of the county for a minimal fee.

During Covid we created, and are still adding to, a variety of online resources including videos, lesson plans, and handouts.